Tag: Machine Learning

Good morning, your future is already here!

Do you think that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is far in the future, and that it does not apply to you?

Imagine technology that:

  • can recognize objects.
  • can recognize faces and facial expressions / feelings
  • can create auto captions in video.
  • can decide where images were taken.
  • can extract text, keywords in pictures and make this searchable.
  • is so clever that it, based on content, keywords, places, feelings and other features, automatically can
    • organize the information for you and further make it searchable.
    • trigger notifications or initiate business processes.
    • provide you with suggestions for information that may be of interest to you based on what you work or have worked with.
    • protect the information based upon your compliance and governance rules.

I repeat myself:

Good morning, your future is already here!

In this article “Microsoft 365 is the smartest place to store your content“, you can read and learn more about how AI and machine learning is used in Microsoft 365 today, and what new features you will have the pleasure of taking part ahead.

Hope you look forward to take part of the future as much as I do. 🙂